Plans & Pricing

Best Value

Contribute to the community - your data helps to improve the African language catalogue

R 0.25


Use models trained on a bigger dataset

High accuracy for clear audio

Anonymised data

Contribute to the community

Available for English, Afrikaans, and IsiZulu


Make use of our cutting edge proprietary models built from the ground up with African data.

R 0.35


Use proprietary data models

High accuracy for clear audio

Keep your data private

Available for English, Afrikaans, and IsiZulu


For small teams and organizations that need improved accuracy and high throughput.

Use highly skilled human transcribers

Excellent accuracy

Anonymised data

Contribute to the community

Available for all South African languages, Swahili, Portuguese, and Dutch.


Utilize our professional transcribers to deliver the best accuracy in support of your business.

Use highly skilled human transcribers

Excellent accuracy

Keep your data private

Available for all South African languages, Swahili, Portuguese, and Dutch.